Even though the typing of this entry is a little advertisement, I just have to put this out there. I will NOT watch this movie. It is one of the greatest examples of how we can use different medias to totally manipulate human emotions. Here is the recipe: take one children's story that everyone is insanely nostalgic for, even though when asked, a huge percent of people haven't the foggiest of ideas what even happens in the book, add a dash of a super emo and indie soundtrack, throw in a pinch of a trendy, artsy, indie director, and finally stir in two cups of live action filming with a cute little kid in monster pjs. I'm suprised that Michel Gondry isn't directing a film about the Easy Bake Oven starring Zoey Deschanel.
"Let me sing you a song about buttering my muffin...
...which I baked in this toy oven."
Thanks but no thanks, I'll pass.