Today at my work a gentleman came up to the register and said, "in the interest of keeping the peace can I trade this dollar for four quarters?" What he was referring to was the fact that he could no longer control his children and he wanted to get them something from our candy machines to chew on. I have two major problems with this scenario: 1. when your child is running around and not listening to you in a public place you probably should NOT GIVE THEM FUCKING SUGAR! I don't know how many times witnessed something like this and it drives me up the wall every time. 2. "in the interest of keeping peace...", you give a child some sort of reward? So basically you are saying it's okay to give into terrorism. I just want to get that straight because that is the precedent being set and reinforced
everytime this happens. And if you don't think a kid recognizes this on some level, you are deluded and retarded. It is just like the dog owner that gives their pet a treat for going to the bathroom outside. That animal's one job is to NOT shit inside. It does not deserve a present for this one basic expectation. When it comes to kids, the treat should be the fact that the parents are willing to take them someplace at all. When I'm out in public, my reward for not being a complete asshole is NOT getting arrested.

figure 1. Nathan's recipe for proper child care.
And since I'm sure you are thinking, I don't have any kids of my own...yet!
1 comment:
Sweet update!
This may be one of the most intelligent things I have read all day. Although I will say that parents should constantly be rewarding their children in some way to make up for bringing them into this world in the first place. Maybe just not with sugar?
"The hardest thing in this world is to live in it." - Dawn, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
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