Friday, April 4, 2008

popped cherry

so um here it is, my first blog. hopefully i can find a way to make this funny and interesting for the one person other than me that might actually read this. by the way, hi jamie. if not, then really what is the point? this promises to be a slow process but i figured i might as well learn to use this technology before it passes me by. and maybe it will help me keep a finger on the pulse of what the kids (anyone under 33) are up to these days. hopefully i'll figure out a way to add pictures and wit so all those involved will feel properly titillated. i'm not sure if there is any general direction that this here blog is going to take, we'll all just have to wait and see, won't we.

1 comment:

J.A. said...

Hi Nathan! Keep up with it - blogging is so fun. I have no idea why, but it is!